With our global climate being negatively affected by many activities we've been taking for granted for many generations (while substantially increasing these in the last 50 years) the time has come to reverse our actions that so negatively affect our immediate earthly wellbeing with that of future generations.
And this includes all non-essential traveling and non-essential printed media delivery . . . as we have developed technology that completely replaces these negative actions. We can shop from home for many items before picking these up / having these delivered, work from home in most administrative / consultative / teaching functions, meet new friends and lovers on-line and vacation without any traveling as we've surrounded ourselves with media devices to bring the world into our homes for our shopping / work / entertainment / relationships and relaxation while being in close contact with all our loved ones outside the hood.
So, as i fully embrace any steps to lessen our global carbon footprint (and herewith reduce the total cost of living and doing business), my cloud-based work includes the production of (and consulting / coaching for the creation of) e-marketing and e-support sites / content / media with the greatest simplicity. All is presented for a best-user experience on our favourite devices from anywhere at any time.