My Canadian business life which i started in 1979 when i immigrated from England has been dedicated to the marketing + sales management of leading and boutique metalworking technology for its local dealers including A.W. Miller Technical Sales, Ferro Technique, DMG Mori, Megatel and Masteel America (where i currently hang my coat as its manager for Eastern Canada working from its Toronto branch office/warehouse/service centre).

This includes Masteel’s e-marketing as i dedicated my media website to Masteel’s offerings until i could complete which i continue to maintain together with the Masteel linkedin posts and my linkedin posts to further promote Masteel’s offered metalworking technology.

In the meantime i went back to school from 1999 to 2001 to re-educate myself about life by connecting with the local folks in Canada, the US, Hawai’i, India, Europe and Mexico (including movie making with a project interest from the National Geographic channel and natural healing learning + giving).

And in my spare time i make loud music (coming from a large ‘n loud musical family where i wanted to be heard) which i started in my early twenties while touring with my band in the Netherlands.

Just email me for a link to my on-line metalworking technology e-marketing + sales management résumé.

